
Post 25 Co-production Coordinator

‘Co-production is a meeting of minds coming together to find shared solutions. When co-production works best, people who use services and carers are valued by organisations as equal partners, can share power and have influence over decisions made’. (Think Local Act Personal)

Good co-production is about more than being consulted or being asked to participate in one-off events.  It is about combining everybody’s experience, skills, and expertise to create the solutions that will support a better life.  The role of the Co-production Coordinator is to work with parents and carers of adult children (25 plus) to ensure that their experience and expertise is valued and informs decisions that affect them and their families. Parents of young people (22 plus) will also benefit from accessing the project so they can prepare for transitions at 25 and coproduce the service.

The co-ordinator will:

  • Ensure parents have an opportunity to co-produce changes to areas that impact on them and their young person’s quality of life. To include, housing, health, day opportunities, leisure, and employment
  • Promote greater collaboration between Parentsactive and the local authority, particularly Adult Social Care, by meeting regularly and working together to design, implement and evaluate new developments.
  • Support partnership working with statutory and voluntary organisations to ensure that carers of adults with learning disabilities and autism have choice and control in accessing local services and support
  • Enable parents and carers to meet regularly and share concerns and experiences

For more information, please contact Caroline Speirs on 07944 048213 or

[email protected]




