Our Mission, Objectives and Values
Our Mission
To empower children and adults with learning disabilities and autism to get their voice heard, reach their potential and be included in their local community.
Our Vision
We seek to promote the wellbeing and development of children and adults with learning disabilities and autism in all areas of their lives as well as supporting their families and carers.
Strategic Objectives
To provide support to access opportunities that ensure children and adults with learning disabilities and autism are:
Accepted and included in the community
Have their views and needs listened to by decision makers.
Supported to live as independently as possible, through the freedom of choice and control.
Supported to campaign and stand up for their rights.
Provided with the opportunities to continue to learn, develop and live their lives to the full.
Have their dreams met e.g. Make friends, form relationships, get a job, live in their own home.
Our Values
We are inclusive. People with a learning disability and autism are at the heart of everything we do.
We are Trustworthy. We believe in transparency and honesty. We welcome and act upon feedback.
We are Empowering. We believe in equality and strive for choice and control for all.
We are Respectful. We value diversity and treat everyone with respect, kindness and dignity.
We are Challenging. We continue to demand better for our clients, their families and carers.
We are Positive. We believe anything is possible. We will never stop believing in a brighter future.